Professional Services

B-Secur is a global leader in EKG technology, trusted by world-leading semiconductor companies. Working directly with our experts who have a wealth of deep engineering knowledge enables you to significantly speed up time to market for your next generation medical or consumer device.

World Class Expertise

World Class Expertise

With over 70 years combined experience, our engineers are world class experts in EKG technology and are at the forefront of advancing heart health technology.

Reduced Development Costs

Our advanced scientific research in EKG technology can prevent the requirement for multiple design cycles, significantly reducing development costs.

Reduced Development Time

Reduced Development Time

EKG development is complex and can take a significant amount of time. Our experts can provide you with the services needed to get you to market faster.

Our Services

Get the most out of our world renowned expertise by making use of our services below

Dry Electrode Design and Characterisation

With over 70 years combined in-house experience in hardware and material science, we offer deep research into key physiological and electrochemical mechanisms governing EKG acquisition as well as ongoing material studies.


Hardware Design and Characterisation

We are a trusted partner of many of the world’s leading AFE suppliers. We provide expert advice on a wide range of areas to ensure gold standard system performance such as AFE configuration and hardware verification.

Electrode and Hardware Validation

We have developed an electrode characterisation test suite including Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) sweep and open-circuit potential measurement tests. Results provide partners with the confidence that design choices will perform consistently.

System Validation, Human Factors and Clinical Investigations

Through our close partnerships with leading cardiologists on the development and validation of the HeartKey® algorithms, we can support clinical investigations, system validation and human factors evaluation of devices to support you in ensuring confidence in your device performance in the field.

Regulatory and Quality System Support

Regulatory strategy, execution and reporting is now included in B-Secur’s service offerings. In addition, quality system strategy expertise can be provided to support quality management system compliance.

EKG Development Kit

EKG development is complex, time-consuming and expensive for in-house engineering teams. B-Secur can tailor bespoke services ranging from full signal chain solutions with the dedicated support of our world class engineers.  We can also provide you with our innovative EKG Development Kit – a full stack solution for accelerating your own EKG development.

Find out more

For more details on our Professional Services, please contact us using the form below.

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